About Us
Bipolar Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation supporting everyone affected by bipolar disorders, including people with the condition, their carers, families and friends, and mental health services and professionals. Our organisation was founded in 2014 by a group of people with bipolar and their carers with the purpose of becoming the national peak non-government organisation for bipolar disorder.
We aim to raise community awareness about bipolar disorders and eliminate stigma; provide broad-based education programs, information, and resources about the condition; promote a positive understanding of bipolar among health care professionals and service providers; and encourage the formation of bipolar support groups.

Our Vision
Every person affected by bipolar disorders, provided with effective support, can live well, and fulfil their potential.

Our Mission
To empower everyone affected by bipolar disorders to live well and fulfil their potential.

Our Values
Recognition of lived experience
Encouragement of self-responsibility
Open communication
Enablement of choices
Bipolar is recognisable, treatable and manageable
Recovery is possible

Our Strategic Aims
Provide peer support service for people affected by bipolar and increase the reach of our delivery.
Provide a comprehensive Australian Services Directory for people affected by bipolar disorders.
Work in collaboration with all services for people affected by bipolar in Australia, to form a network that facilitates the navigation of the system to receive support when needed and provide bipolar-focused information and additional resources to fill the gaps.
Act as the voice of our community to change public attitudes and build a society that enables people affected by bipolar to live well and fulfil their potential.
Bipolar Disorder touches the lives of tens of thousands of Australians every day. Unfortunately, too many people never hear the good news that recovery is possible, and don’t get the help they need.
Bipolar Australia was founded to help change this. With your support, we can ensure that every Australian affected by this condition, and every carer, knows that bipolar can be diagnosed, treated, and well managed, and we can ensure that they have the support they need to recover.
Every tax deductible donation helps us to further these life-changing goals. On behalf of the 568,000 Australians with bipolar disorder, their families, carers, and friends, thank you for your support.
– Susana Bluwol, Founder & Board Director